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unparalleled testing services

XRF Lead Paint Testing Equipment

Fast test results, guaranteed

Because we use the absolute newest and most accurate XRF technology on the market, and because we’ve been doing this for 24 years, we consistently meet or exceed customer expectations.

Unparalleled experience & quality

After 25 years, servicing over 2,300 customers in NY state alone, our experience is unmatched. Lead Safe not only helps homeowners, but also provides consulting to news channels, court cases.

Lead Paint Test Result Reports
Simply the best test report I've ever seen.

- City of Rome

Optimized for local, state & federal organizations as well as individual home owners

Lead Testing Expectations

What you can expect with your lead test report:

  • Easiest, simplest report design in the industry
  • Legally defensible reports – Compliance with all state & federal regulatory requirements
  • EPA and HUD compliance

Help Me With

Lead Testing

Lead Testing

Using state of the art technology, Lead Safe, LLC provides lead testing, lead-based paint risk assessment, inspection, job specification development,

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Asbestos Testing

Asbestos Testing

Asbestos is a naturally occurring mineral formed of very strong fibers that are resistant to heat and corrosion. There are

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Register for classes

EPA Renovator Initial Training Class
EPA Renovator Initial

This 8 hour class explains how to comply with EPA's Renovation, Repair, and Painting (RRP) Rule. Subjects covered include: health effects, regulations, lead safe work practices, containment, cleaning ...

EPA Initial Dust Sampling Technician Training Class
EPA Initial Dust Sampling Technician

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has produced this model curriculum to teach individuals how to conduct lead sampling in housing. At the end of the course, students will be able to: Con...